Edward Rice Genealogy

Record modified: 2008-06-29
This is my ancestor 10 generations back.

 / Thomas Rice|
|  \
Edward Rice |
|  /
 \ Marcy (unknown) |

Born: 1690-04-17 New Kent Co, Virginia USA
Died: 1770-10-15 Goochland Co, Virginia USA
1. Mary (unknown)

Children of Edward Rice and Mary (unknown):
*Charles Rice b. about 1715-00-00


Birth date shown is really baptism date, from records of St Peter's parish, New Kent Co VA.

other children:
Clayborn + 1749-01-18 Susanna Walton
Edward Jr

from Rice-Southern maillist:

probated 1770

I, Edward Rice, Sr. of Goochland County ...
First I desire that all that part or parcel of land
that my son, Edward settled from his then Spring Branch up to Mr.
Zachariah Haden's line may be sold to discharge all my just debts.
Next I desire that my beloved wife, Mary, may have and possess the
other part or parcel of my land with the plantation containing by
estimation one hundred acres being the same more or less during her
natural life and after her decease, I give it to my two grandsons
William and Josias Baker to them and their heirs forever. I likewise
lend all the remainder of my estate to my beloved wife, Mary, during
her life and at her decease to be equally divided amongst all my
children, except five pounds worth I desire my wife may make out to
my granddaughter Susannah Smith in any of the goods she may think
most proper to dispose of to that amount or as much under as my wife
thinks fit. And lastly, I do appoint my two sons Charles and Edward
Rice, Executors of this my Last Will and Testament in Witness
whereof, I have here unto set my hand and affixed my seal this first
Day of May, One thousand Seven hundred and sixty-nine.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 8694
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