Mary Mallonee Genealogy

Record modified: 2008-05-04

 / John Mallonee
 / George Mallonee|
|  \ Elizabeth Ford
Mary Jane Mallonee |
|  / James Caruthers
 \ Nancy Caruthers |
 \ Orpha Houston

Born: 1853-03-21 Yellville, Marion Co, Arkansas USA
Died: 1927-02-12 Douglas Co, Missouri USA
1. 1875-00-00 Austin A Singleton

Children of Mary Mallonee and Austin Singleton:
Barney Jefferson Singleton b. 1877-12-03 d. 1893-10-29
John Washington Singleton b. 1880-02-15
Cordelia Singleton b. 1882-02-00
James T Singleton b. 1885-02-00
Delila Cuma Singleton b. 1887-07-27
William M Singleton b. 1889-06-18
Margaret Rhoda Singleton b. 1891-12-00
Elmer L Singleton b. 1896-02-06


Information on her descendants from an article in the Journal of the Historical & Genealogical Society of Douglas Co MO, 1987 December.

They also had a daughter Susannah c1876 who died young.

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 20727
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