Sarah Brammer Genealogy

Record modified: 2022-10-06

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Sarah Henrietta Brammer |
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Born: 1856-07-24 Patrick Co, Virginia USA
Died: 1944-09-28 Patrick Co, Virginia USA
1. 1872-04-25 William Ellis Shelor

Children of Sarah Brammer and William Shelor:
William Randolph Shelor b. 1873-06-22
Alexander Green Shelor b. 1874-12-15
Ella Viola Shelor b. 1877-02-16
James Benton Shelor b. 1878-02-04 d. 1957-12-01
Mary Lucinda Shelor b. 1881-05-29 d. 1888-12-24
Charles Ellis Shelor b. 1882-07-04
Susan Bertha Shelor b. 1884-07-16 d. 1909-12-08
Pyrrhus Davis Shelor b. 1886-11-05 d. 1933-07-13
Nancy Amelia Shelor b. 1889-01-27 d. 1989-10-14
Henry Frank Shelor b. 1891-08-13 d. 1969-04-20
Jesse Judson Shelor b. 1894-12-27
Stella Maude Shelor b. 1898-02-01
Irma Thyrza Shelor b. 1900-05-03
Lelia Leota Shelor b. 1903-08-22


d/o William Davis Brammer + Lucinda DeHart

Hinds Site: Genealogy of Ken Hinds -- page 12178
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